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Sunday 22 January 2012

latest crochet items

Hi people 
I've been crocheting A lot lately so far I've made 

two hat

A Doggie coat for a Yorkie

and this scarf which was finger crocheted 

When I showed my mum she said it was finger knitted. but the stitches are the same as crochet so you learn something everyday. 

the Doggie coat took me a week to make and I'm really pleased with how it can out I got the pattern of ravely  it was designed by Bernat Design Studio.
I added a heart to the back and a white trims round the edge i also didn't sew the button up as Mum and I decided it would make it easier it get and gypsy as she old and tiny . i'm pleased with it for my first attempt.

I also made two hats on my knitting loon

this is the first on i made i finished it to early but it fits my dog nicely not that she was to happy lol

Then I  made this pink one which is made of really soft wool. It fits my friends little girl who is 4month perfectly it looks like a slouchy

I think thats all 
take care